Lake County Parks and Recreation

Lake County welcomes outdoor enthusiasts who enjoy bird watching, sporting events, aquatic trails, and historical architecture from the seat of their bike. Let’s get a closer look at some of Lake County Parks and recreational service’s most alluring features.

Lots and Lots of Sports
Recreational sports are huge here with golf, wakeboarding, and gliding over Lake County all providing huge and unique draws. It’s home to the original Savage Race, which is a 4-6 mile mud race. Try some equestrian sports as well as aquatic events, an array of court sports, endurance sports, fishing, and other aquatic sports. Lake County has an absurd number of sports, and is probably devising new ones as we speak.
For competitive sports, Lake County has hosted a number of top athletes at its high quality indoor and outdoor facilities. Events like NCAA golf, USA synchronized swimming, and USSSA basketball have all enjoyed the special environment of Lake County. For information about this fantastic county, visit their specialized sport site.
Bird Watching
Bird watching or “Birding,” is a top attraction for parks around Lake County. Key areas to scout out your must find fowl are the Lake Apopka Restoration Area, Ferndale Preserve, Emerald Marsh, and the Hilochee Wildlife Management Area. Wherever you go birding, don’t forget to make a sketch or snap a shot of some of Florida’s most unique feather friends, including the beautiful blue Florida Scrub-jay, the Red-cockaded Woodpecker, and the burrowing owl.
Another key attraction are the Lake County Blueways which are the aquatic cousin of dirt hiking trails. Each of the blueways features geo-positioned and physical markers to guide visitors along their scenic water paths. These paths can be found on the St Johns River, Golden Triangle, Palatlakaha Basin and Oklawaha Basin areas and offer unique sites and experiences for all of its travelers. Each blueway is fully kayak and canoe accessible.
Mount Plymouth Historical Bike Loop
The Mount Plymouth Historical Bike Loop offers a long, recreational, and historic experience for bikers, runners, and determined walkers. The famous hotel in Mount Plymouth, which once welcomed Al Capone in its heyday, has since burned down, but some of its most picturesque buildings still remain. Sam Stoltz’s storybook gingerbread houses, seen from the trail, offer an unique take on architecture, which can be found nowhere else but Lake Plymouth. In addition to man made wonders, scenic views of often deer laden plains are glimpsed at dawn and dusk. Florida black bears, Sandhill cranes, and American kestrels, if you want to bird while you ride.
Featuring manmade as well as natural allure, Lake County’s parks and recreation services can give you the feeling of getting away, while never having to leave the central Florida area. Sweat til you drop, and then watch the pros do their thing when you enjoy Lake County’s sporting options. Enjoy these listed features while discovering a few of your own, when you visit Lake County Florida.

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