Palm Beach Book Publisher

Palm Beach Book Publisher

Do you need help writing, editing, publishing, marketing and selling a book in a competitive and cut-throat marketplace?

1. WRITE I need help writing my book!
2. EDIT I need help editing my book!
3. BOOK DESIGN I need an AWESOME cover design
4. PUBLISH 30 DAYS I want to publish my book in 30 DAYS
5. GLOBAL DISTRIBUTION I want 10 Day Global Distribution to 39,000 Retailers
6. MARKET I need help marketing my book!
7. BOOK SALES I need help selling my book!
8. HELP ME! I signed a 7.9 royalty publishing contract (peanuts). I want to republish my book with a 50% publishing contract.
9. HELP ME! I published my book at a local printer, and I have no distribution (I was born before “The Digital Revolution”).
10. HELP ME! My Book Is Out-of-Print
11. HELP ME! My Book Is Out-of-Date
12. HELP ME! English-Translation Edition I translated my book into English, and I want to republish my book in the U.S.A. marketplace.
What Do Books Do? BOOKS ARE POWERFUL! Educate! Enlighten! Empower! Emancipate! Find the Light and Live in the Light! Publisher Sharon Lampert Palm Beach Book Publisher FULL SERVICE: Write, Edit, Publish, Market, Sales

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